• Exercícios para uma aula de conversação...

Exercícios para uma aula de conversação. Aprenda idiomas de forma fácil parte 2

Aulas de conversação são as mais divertidas. É legal termos um tema central para guiar a conversa e não aparecer momentos de silêncio sem ninguém saber o que dizer. Esse guia preenche uma aula de 1 hora e meia de conversação e ainda tem um listening.

Vamos começar pelas perguntas que vão te ajudar a entender melhor o vídeo no final.

  • Are you married?
  • What do you think of marriage?
  • What do you know about the history of marriage?
  • Do you know any successful marriages? What makes them successful?
  • Do you believe in marriage?
  • How has marriage changed throughout time?
  • What are the reasons to get married? Are they the same as in the past?
  • What's the role of men and women in a marriage? Have they changed from what they were in the past?
  • Who do you think asks more for a divorce? Men or women? Why?
  • Does having money and/or education affect the desire to get married?

Agora, assista o vídeo:


Faça os exercícios. Respostas no final do post.

1) According to the video, who asks more for a divorce?

  1. men

  2. women

  3. there’s no difference

  4. it didn’t say

2) This demographic still gets married and stays married like in the past.

  1. poor and uneducated women

  2. educated women with money

  3. conservative men

  4. conservative women

3) According to the speaker:

  1. Marriage will continue to decline in the future

  2. Only the rich will continue to get married in the future

  3. If marriage is to survive, we need to go back to the way it was before

  4. If marriage is to survive, it will be in a different way and not as it has been before

4) This video is about American culture. How is it similar or different from Brazil?

5) What do you think is the future of marriage?


1) letra b

2) letra b

3) letra d

4) pergunta aberta. Há muitas possibilidades.

5) Pergunta aberta. Há muitas possibilidades.

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